Recent & Upcoming Talks


Uniform random flat disks
Jul 10, 2024
Uniform random flat disks
Jul 10, 2024


The geometry of random genus-0 hyperbolic surfaces via trees
Oct 3, 2023
The geometry of random genus-0 hyperbolic surfaces via trees
Oct 3, 2023
Tree bijections and the geometry of random hyperbolic surfaces
Aug 3, 2023
Geometry of random planar maps and genus-0 hyperbolic surfaces
Jun 14, 2023
Topological recursion of hyperbolic surfaces with tight boundaries
May 26, 2023
Random geometry from probability theory to quantum gravity
Apr 1, 2023
Enumeration of lattice walks by winding angle
Mar 6, 2023
A combinatorial approach to random hyperbolic surfaces
Jan 19, 2023


Tree bijections for hyperbolic surfaces with boundaries
Dec 12, 2022
Quantum Gravity and Random Geometry
May 23, 2022
A family of triangulated 3-spheres constructed from trees
May 13, 2022
Random hyperbolic surfaces
Jan 18, 2022


The search for universality in quantum gravity
Nov 8, 2021
Winding of simple walks on the square lattice
Jun 22, 2021


Essentially irreducible maps and Weil-Petersson volumes
May 25, 2020
Essentially irreducible maps and Weil-Petersson volumes
May 15, 2020
Tree bijections for Riemann surfaces
Apr 1, 2020


Trees and fractal dimensions in 2d quantum gravity
Oct 31, 2019
(a)typical career in academia
Oct 25, 2019
Scale invariance: from phase transitions to quantum spacetime
Sep 1, 2019
Tree bijections for Riemann surfaces
Jul 5, 2019
Geometry of random planar maps with high degrees
Apr 1, 2019
Trees as the building blocks of quantum geometry
Mar 22, 2019


Random Riemann Surfaces
Dec 12, 2018
Geometry of random planar maps
Dec 7, 2018
Geometry of two-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to O(n) loop models
Nov 7, 2018
Lattice walks & peeling of planar maps
Jul 17, 2018
Nesting of loops on random maps versus winding of walks
Jul 3, 2018
Hidden rotational symmetry on the honeycomb lattice
Apr 26, 2018
Hidden rotational symmetry on the lattice
Feb 28, 2018
Geometry of random planar maps with high degrees
Feb 20, 2018
Random surfaces as a base camp in physics
Feb 2, 2018


Nesting of Loops and Winding of Walks
Dec 18, 2017
Nesting of loops versus winding of walks
Oct 30, 2017
Nesting of loops versus winding of walks
Oct 23, 2017
Winding angles of simple walks on $\mathbb{Z}^2$
Sep 20, 2017
Mini-course: Monte Carlo methods in dynamical triangulations
Jun 20, 2017
Elliptic functions count walks on the square lattice with winding
Jun 6, 2017
Mini-course: Peeling of random planar maps
May 15, 2017
Winding of walks on the square lattice
Apr 28, 2017
On a connection between planar map combinatorics and lattice walks
Mar 10, 2017
Winding of walks on the square lattice
Jan 25, 2017
On a connection between planar map combinatorics and lattice walks
Jan 19, 2017


Geometry of random planar maps with high degrees
Jun 7, 2016
QMATH Quantum Lunch seminar
Apr 20, 2016
Random planar maps
Mar 17, 2016
On the universality of 2d quantum gravity
Mar 7, 2016


The peeling process on random planar maps with loops
Dec 3, 2015
From random walks to loops on random planar maps
Nov 26, 2015
The O(n) model on random surfaces
Jun 24, 2015
Scaling constants and the lazy peeling of infinite Boltzmann planar maps
Apr 20, 2015


First-passage percolation on random planar maps
Sep 15, 2014
Fractal dimensions of 2d quantum gravity
Jan 6, 2014


CDT and trees
Dec 14, 2012


Having fun with cute little universes
Nov 30, 2010
Conformal trouble in quantum gravity
Feb 2, 2010


Geometric observables in 2+1 dimensional quantum gravity
Jan 9, 2009