Currently there are no vacancies for PhD positions in my group. In case you are interested in applying for external funding to join the group please contact me in good time.
Current group members
If you are a Bachelor or Master student looking for an internship in my group, feel free to contact me.
- Dániel Németh (Postdoc, started Sep 2022)
- Bart Zonneveld (PhD, started Sep 2021)
- Danish Alvi (MFoCS Master student, co-supervised with Wieb Bosma)
- Jeltje Boschman (Master student)
- Marieke van den Dungen (Master student)
- Isa Vervuurt (Bachelor student, co-supervised with Bart Zonneveld)
- Thijmen Venema (Bachelor student, co-supervised with Dániel Németh)
For the remaining members of the Gravity group at Radboud University, see the webpages of Béatrice Bonga, Badri Krishnan, Renate Loll and Frank Saueressig.
Previous members
- Nabin Shahid (Bachelor student, 2024)
Slicing Quantum Disks - Boaz van Langen (Bachelor student, 2024)
Percolation interfaces in random triangulations - Pim Kelderman (Bachelor student, 2024)
Two-dimensional Quantum Gravity coupled to a scalar field - Tanguy Lions (ARPE intern from ENS Paris, 2023-2024): currently PhD student at ENS Lyon Statistics of the genus reducing systole
- Alicia Castro (PhD, 2019-2023): currently postdoc at the University of Bordeaux
Random Geometry and Quantum Spacetime: From scale-invariant random geometries and asymptotic safety to random hyperbolic surfaces and JT gravity - Tuan Amith (Master student, 2023, co-supervised with Alicia Castro)
Particles in 3D Regge Gravity and BMS symmetry - Tom Gerstel (Master student, 2023)
Simulating Quantum Gravity: using triangles and trees - Jasper Stokmans (Bachelor student, 2023)
Monte Carlo simulations of dually-weighted maps - Thomas Meeusen (Master student, 2023)
Describing hyperbolic surfaces with decorated tree graphs - Dion Bremer (Bachelor student, 2023)
A cluster algorithm for simulating 2D Dynamical Triangulations - Radboud Honours Programme Science team (Lucas Besteman, Dimitar Kutrovski, Stefanie Linskens, Eleni Manias, Atse van Rijsewijk, 2022)
Unravelling the Mechanisms of Electron Flow in the Nanowire of Geobacter sulfurreducens - Rutger Berns (Bachelor student, Honours programme, 2022)
Meanders as a toy model of two-dimensional quantum gravity - Anna van Asselt (Bachelor student, 2022)
Simulating Random Triangulations: finding a Planck scale in 2d Quantum Gravity Simulations - Pjotr Koster (Bachelor student, 2021)
Universality classes of 2D hyperbolic Riemannian manifolds - Luca Lionni (Postdoc, Nov 2019 - Dec 2021): currently CNRS researcher at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- Dirk van Buul (Master student, 2021)
Black hole formation in AdS3 - Djamel van der Sluis (Master student, 2021)
Statistics of spatial geometries in Causal Dynamical Triangulations in 2+1 dimensions - Caroline Bauer (Bachelor student, Honours programme, 2021)
The phase transition of spin models coupled to dynamical triangulations - Jan Groenendijk (Bachelor student, 2021)
Tree bijections in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity - Koen Thijssen (Bachelor student, 2020)
Voronoi diagrams in two-dimensional quantum gravity - Gabriel Niebel (Bachelor exchange student, Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, 2020)
Fractality measurements in two-dimensional quantum gravity - Harm Schmitz (Bachelor student, 2018)
Fractal properties of a 3-dimensional toy model of quantum gravity - Ludo van Alst (Bachelor student, 2018)
The geometry of infinite causal dynamical triangulations in two dimensions