Exam Quantum Field Theory: Tuesday 14 January, 08h30 - 11h30, HG00.514 (extra time: 08h30 - 12h00, HG00.071)
The relevant material:
chapters 2-5 and 7 of Peskin & Schroeder, with the exception of sections 5.3
and 5.5. The non-relativistic examples on pages 121,
122, 125 and 126 can be replaced by the scalar examples in paragraph 2.7 of the
lecture notes and the example covered in exercise 11;
the lecture notes on Feynman parameters and Wick rotation (paragraph 2.9.2),
covering part of the material in section 6.3 of Peskin & Schroeder;
the lecture notes on the concept of renormalization (paragraph 2.10 and
exercises 13 + 21), covering the salient details of chapter 10 of
Peskin & Schroeder;
the extra lecture notes in chapter 5 on the gauge principle with the exception of
pages 134 and 135;
the topic of discrete symmetries (section 3.6 in the book and
paragraph 3.4 in the lecture notes) will not be part of the exam material
with the exception of the parity aspects covered in exercise 19.
The exam is a "closed-book" exam:
you are not allowed to use books or lecture notes;
you are allowed to compose a two-sided A4 formula sheet that can be used
during the exam.