About Me
I am an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Mathmatics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics of Radboud University in Nijmegen. My research forcuses on experimental high energy physics (hep-ex) and my research interest is the cutting-edge detector technology and Physics Beyond Standard Model of particle physics.
From 2017 to 2020, I have led efforts under an EU Horizon 2020 funded project developing and delivering a beam line telescope (mini tracking detector system) using a novel designed silicon sensor.
My current research activities are categorised into two directions, one focuses on physics analyses searching for physics beyond standard model (BSM); the other focuses on detector system, including the High Granularity Timing Detector project for the ATLAS detector HL-LHC upgrade and the next generation general Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system FELIX for the ATLAS detector. In the meanwhile, I am investigating research and development projects on fast timing 4D detector.
©My Professional Experience
Dr. Mengqing Wu
A quadrilingual (CN, EN, FR, DE) assistant professor
- Based in Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Associate Physicist @ ATLAS
Sep 2020 - Present
European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, CH
- ATLAS BSM physics search.
- ATLAS Phase-II HGTD upgrade.
- Co-coordinate DAQ/Lumi/Control subgroup;
- Strong contributions to sensor/ASIC beam tests.
- ATLAS TDAQ efforts.
- Phase II FELIX performance.
- FELIX MROD project.
Postdoc Researcher @ AIDA2020
Apr 2017 - Aug 2020
European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, CH
- Joint position with DESY.
Associate Postdoc Researcher @ CMS
Oct 2015 - Mar 2017
European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, CH
- Lead efforts to probe new physics at energy frontier;
- Convener for software validation of the CMS software framework (CMSSW);
- Develop data analysis frameworks in Python & deploy batch system computing.
Associate PhD Researcher @ ATLAS
Sep 2012 - Sep 2015
European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, CH
- Member of ATLAS-CMS DM Forum / LHC Dark Matter Working Group;
- Lead efforts in software validation for the ATLAS software framework (ATHENA);
- Develop C++ frameworks for statistical data analysis & deploy grid computing (WLCG).
Radboud University
Assistant Professor
Sep 2020 - Present
Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
- Research interests focused on hardware in high energy physics, but also in software and physics anlaysis;
- Student supervision: looking for enthusiastic under-/graduate students to join my group.
- Teaching:
- Instrumentation physics (master course);
- Subatomic physics (bachelor 3rd year course);
Project Scientist
Apr 2017 - Aug 2020
Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron, Hamburg, DE
- Project leader to build one novel silicon detector system (LYCORIS), and one slow control system (TBSC) for DESY II test beam users;
- Responsible for the software development from DAQ to analysis:
- TCP/IP network software and Graphic user interface development;
- Integration frameworks and database definition.
- Supervise numerous graduate students and interns.
Postdoc Researcher
Oct 2015 - Mar 2017
Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, CN
- "Chung-Yao Chao" research fellow by CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics;
- 100% based @ CERN to lead research efforts.
PhD research assistant
Sep 2012 - Sep 2015
Laboratory of Subatomic Physics & Cosmology, Grenoble, FR
- Frequently travelled to CERN for meetings and discussions;
- Co-supervise interns.
Recent Publications & Presentations
Proceedings, Journal papers & Conferences, Workshops, Seminars
Selected Publications ✍
Sep 2023
Search for Majorana neutrinos in same-sign WW scattering events from pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11915-y
Jan 2023
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade ATL-HGTD-PROC-2023-002 (accepted by JPS Conference Proceedings 2023)
Dec 2022
FELIX: readout upgrade for the ATLAS Trigger DAQ system in HL-LHC 10.1016/j.nima.2022.167994
Oct 2021
Lycoris -- a large-area, high resolution beam telescope 10.1088/1748-0221/16/10/P10023
Jan 2020
Dark Matter benchmark models for early LHC Run-2 Searches: Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum 10.1016/j.dark.2019.100371
Oct 2019
EUDAQ2—A flexible data acquisition software framework for common test beams 10.1088/1748- 0221/14/10/P10033
Selected Presentations ☺
ATLAS Collaboration Week "Ready for Run 3"
23-28 Oct 2022
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II Upgrade
15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors
22-28 May 2022
FELIX: readout upgrade for the ATLAS Trigger DAQ system in HL-LHC
VCI Vienna Conference on Instrumentation
18-22 Feb 2019
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, AT
Development of a large active area beam telescope based on the SiD micro-strip sensor
10-17 Nov 2018
International Convention Centre Sydney, Sydney, AU
LYCORIS: A large area beam telescope based on hybrid-less strip silicon sensor
My Group
only current group members shown here (alumnis page under development).

Edwin Chow
PhD Student
ATLAS Majorana neutrino search, ATLAS TDAQ software.

Petja Skomina
PhD Student
(NWO-XL FASTER project) Fast timing detector R&D - LGAD technology for 4D detectors beyond LHC Run 4.

Marcello Pozzessere
Master Student
LGAD sensor characterisation and performance studies using test beam data.
Saskia Okkerman
Master Student
4D tracking studies beyond ATLAS Run 4 - collaboratin with Valentina Cairo's group at CERN
Various professional projects, but also life projects.
- All
- hw
- sw
- exp
- life
Visiting address
Huygens building - Room 02.064
Heyendaalseweg 135
6525 AJ Nijmegen
The Netherlands